The aggregate for road construction is a product resulting from the energy recovery of municipal waste from the Lisbon area, which also goes through treatment and recovery of slags in a dedicated facility. Obtaining this product follows a strict production control in the factory, which results in Aggregate 0/31,5 (AEIRU – Agregado artificial proveniente de Escórias de Incineração de Resíduos Urbanos – Artificial Aggregate resulting from Municipal Waste Incineration Slags), whose production is in accordance with the specifications of NP EN 13242:2002 + A1:2010. This construction product, with CE Marking, is intended for use in road construction, namely for unbound base and sub-base layers of road paving. Aggregate 0/31,5 (AEIRU) is submitted to regular testing in order to ensure that the product placed on the market is in accordance with the characteristics declared in its Declaration of Performance.