Pioneering automated digital sorting solution in Portugal will increase the amount of packaging sent for recycling
Valorsul, the entity responsible for urban waste management in Greater Lisbon and the Western Region, is a pioneer in Portugal with the introduction of the first robot with Artificial Intelligence in a waste sorting center.
Developed in collaboration with Sociedade Ponto Verde (SPV) and Tetra Pak, a world leader in process and food packaging solutions, Recycleye's automated digital sorting technology is an innovative solution that responds to the challenge of improving recycling in Portugal. Based on an Artificial Intelligence (AI) component, Valorsul's sorting robot uses high-precision computer vision and robotics to automatically identify and separate the materials that pass through the conveyor belt, providing detailed, real-time data on the composition of the waste, which makes it possible to increase the purity level of the separated materials and achieve greater recovery of cardboard packaging for food and beverages (ECAL).
With machine learning capabilities, these types of robots can also be reprogrammed to deal with changes in the types of waste to be separated, ensuring greater operational flexibility. Watch video.
In the future, in addition to the aforementioned improvements in the sorting process, the robotization of the packaging sorting center will also reduce the impact of more repetitive and heavy manual tasks. For SPV, collaboration with the various players in this value chain is essential, particularly with the Municipal Waste Management Systems (SGRU), and it is with these partners, namely Valorsul, that it works closely to increase the level of service and contribute to meeting the ambitious packaging recycling targets. By co-financing and supporting this AI-based project, SPV is reinforcing its commitment to innovation, helping SIGRE to continue to evolve, modernize and become more efficient.
De modo a contribuir para uma maior eficiência das instalações de triagem e para uma maior consistência e precisão na separação de resíduos, a Valorsul pretende continuar a investir em soluções automatizadas baseadas em Inteligência Artificial. Também a EGF, empresa europeia de referência no setor ambiental e líder no tratamento e valorização de resíduos em Portugal, da qual a Valorsul faz parte, pretende disponibilizar soluções inovadoras, como a robotização de centros de triagem, em outras empresas do Grupo, para contribuir continuamente para uma abordagem mais sustentável e eficaz do tratamento de resíduos em todo o país.