For EGF and the Mota-Engil Group, sustainability is the concept that underpins, from a perspective of organisational excellence, the economic, social and environmental principles that a company must follow.
Mission, Vision and Values

To guarantee the recovery of waste in the most sustainable manner in its different fields of activity, through demanding environmental standards, exemplary social practices and creation of value, making the company a focal point for innovation and an environmental reference.


More than recovering waste, EGF values people's quality of life by guaranteeing that waste produced is used as resources or sent to the most appropriate destination. The EGF universe has resources with huge potential for innovation. In the future we are building, such resources will guarantee better quality of life for populations.

Group spirit

To be a company of excellence, seeking to develop and improve by expanding our spheres of action with the audacity and confidence in our skills that contribute to the company’s growth.


Collective behaviour as a business organisation, promoter of the major principles of honesty, truth, loyalty, righteousness and justice in our daily conduct.


To be a focal point in terms of innovation, offering the most modern technological and management skills.


Sense of commitment to fulfill common objectives, institutional loyalty and joint perseverance with regard to challenges posed to the organisation.

Group spirit

Consolidation of the sense of belonging and integration, encouraging consensus and respect for different opinions.