For EGF and the Mota-Engil Group, sustainability is the concept that underpins, from a perspective of organisational excellence, the economic, social and environmental principles that a company must follow.
Press Kit

EGF is an European reference Company of the environmental sector and a leader in the treatment and Recovery of Waste in Portugal.

Integrated in the Group MOTA-ENGIL, it is responsible for ensuring the treatment and recovery of waste in an environmentally suitable and economically sustainable way, contributing to improving the quality of life and the environment.

Waste treatment and recovery systems are managed by 11 concessionaires (Algar, Amarsul, Ersuc, Resiestrela, Resinorte, Resulima, Suldouro, Valorlis, Valorminho, Valnor, Valorsul), in partnership with the municipalities served. These companies annually process about 3.2 million tons of municipal waste (MW), produced by 6.3 million people, distributed across 174 municipalities, in an area about the size of 60% of Portuguese territory.

Established in 1947, EGF plays a key role in the support to structuring and defining environmental policies in the waste domain, giving priority to compliance with national and community strategies for the sector, with emphasis on the increase of the selective collection of multi-material packaging and the diversion of biodegradable municipal waste from landfill.